Free Link with Facebook Like

What’s New?

Local Detroit area businesses get to Add their store for Free with location, map and phone number in our local Detroit / Southeastern Michigan business directory. This is not new, but what’s new is that they can also get a very valuable link to their website now for free too! If they have a FaceBook account all they need to do is include the URL for their web site and LIKE us on FaceBook.

Please go to our home page and LIKE us now!

Internet-savvy business owners and managers understand how valuable in-bound or “backlinks” as they are often referred to, are in Search Engine Promotion. A relevant link from a website like which is over a decade old get a significant amount of traffic and directly relates to their business or store. This will be heavily weighted by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If your business doesn’t have a FaceBook account you can purchase a link, or you can get a free FaceBook account and “Like” us!

Of course even more powerful and better a much better representation for a business is the Featured Store Listing, which gives you multiple directory placements, featured front-page advertisement and multiple section banners.